Comment by anschauung on hook_schema() not getting uninstalled when module is...
Or, you could just call module_invoke('yourmodule', 'uninstall') inside of hook_disable. This will make disabling equivalent to uninstalling for that particular module. But, you're not going to do that...
View ArticleComment by anschauung on Drupal Views: Render Null Result for Relationship as 0
I edited my response with some links and recommendations -- good luck!
View ArticleComment by anschauung on Drupal 6 nodes not appearing in content list after...
What happens when you create a new node of that content type?
View ArticleComment by anschauung on Drupal (6.19) cron exhausts memory when doing search...
All correct points -- put I don't see how any of them will help @Jasmo solve his problem.
View ArticleComment by anschauung on SQL Functions in Drupal Views Filters
Need a bit more info to help you on this. Where is the time value coming from --- I gather you're probably not using CCK Date since its filters support php time comparisons, so what are you using instead?
View ArticleComment by anschauung on Rewrite Drupal files directory to sub folder
Background question: Are the files handled through Drupal's files table, or uploaded independently?
View ArticleComment by anschauung on drupal calling a node_view gives the wrong data
Do you get the same result when viewing the block alongside other content types?
View ArticleComment by anschauung on Drupal6: I need to customize file upload links in...
Files need a physical location on the server -- would you like the file to be uploaded normally but accessible at the new link? I suppose a broader question would be: what is the end result you're...
View ArticleComment by anschauung on How to validate PAN No and Bank account number using...
Do you mean 'validate' as in "make sure it's formatted correctly" or validate as in "check with the bank to make sure the account is legitimate". The former is merely difficult.
View ArticleComment by anschauung on How can I perform a reverse string search in Excel...
+1: I'll have to remember the "LEN(A1)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A1," ",""))" trick for getting the number of instances of a character
View ArticleComment by anschauung on How can I add a drop-shadow to an image using PHP?
Incidentally, this page was the top hit when I googled that exact phrase :p
View ArticleComment by anschauung on How do I use this regular expression? (Aweber Email...
Well ... what part doesn't make sense to you?
View ArticleComment by anschauung on Scrollable HTML table with top row and left column...
I linked to the article intentionally -- the comments provided a lot of useful improvements that the poster should consider, IMO.
View ArticleComment by anschauung on How to disable secure pages on a local server?
@Kasapo: If you've followed the instructions above, then securepages is definitely disabled. You might have another issue at hand (something on your Apache config maybe?). You should post a new...
View ArticleAnswer by anschauung for Is there a tool that can transform a static SQL...
Plain 'ol non-Drupal SQL will still work in db_query ... it's just not a best practice since the database API can't retool the SQL to work in any supported environment, and doesn't take advantage of...
View ArticleAnswer by anschauung for Where do these elements are coming from in my HTML...
One of your nodes ("a live library") has on unclosed <em> in the message body, near the sentence that says "Voorjaar 1998 werd ik uitgenodigd doo..."This is (accidentally) incorrect HTML, but...
View ArticleAnswer by anschauung for drupal exposed filter with jquery datepicker popup
I suspect your problem might actually be in your theme. There might be a class definition that's overruling the module's definitions and throwing the layout off.If you switch your page to Garland and...
View ArticleAnswer by anschauung for handling the display of choices in dependent select...
Based on your comment above, I'd recommend looking into Drupal's AHAH components, which are described in detail at The situation you're describing is precisely what AHAH...
View ArticleAnswer by anschauung for how to force drupal function to not use DB cache?
node_load uses db_query, which uses mysql_query -- so there's no way to easily change the database's cache through that function.But, node_load does use Drupal's static $nodes cache -- It's possible...
View ArticleAnswer by anschauung for Link to node in a grouped field in a Drupal View...
Perhaps a dummy question, but: Are you very certain that you're doing the rewrite output as node/[nid] (with brackets) and not as node/nid?
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